The Ol’ Ballgame

Today you had your first ever tee-ball practice!  It was at Shawnee Field in Ft. Thomas. We met Coach Dustin or Coach D for short, and we met your teammates. You got a spiffy hat and a blue jersey with the number eight on it. Which happened to be the same number you were for soccer. I think your lucky number is starting to form. 

Practice started with everyone pairing up with a fellow teammate and playing toss. You did pretty well. You didn’t catch a single ball, but you threw it pretty well. Much better than your partner who, instead of throwing it at you, threw it way over your head. You were doing a lot of running around trying to chase all of his rogue throws. I don’t think he will be in the starting lineup. M

After field work you all moved into the dirt and did some batting practice. First you learned the names and where each base was. This didn’t last long as every kid was much more interested in kicking the dirt and making clouds instead of listening to the coach. 

You took some ground balls, or you actually just watched a bunch of ground balls go by. Then it was your turn to take some cuts. You did really well and make great contact with the ball. 

All in all, you had a blast and you said you want to keep playing. Mom and dad need to go buy you some baseball pants and maybe some cleats.