
Another late post, but better late than never eh?

On September 3 we went down on the river to watch the WEBN fireworks. Lloyd and Nancy invited us down on their boat, which was parked directly under where the fireworks were going to be going off. We weren’t sure how the night was going to go.

We had to be down on the river no later than 6:30pm or the gates would be closed and we wouldn’t be able to get in.
Food was provided so you sat and ate a sandwich and Cheetos while watching Toys 2.

We watched boats go by and planes fly over.

About an hour out from the start of the show, they would shoot off “boomers” about every 15-20 minutes. When the first set went off you about pooped your pants. You aren’t one for loud noises, and when those went off you were not a happy camper. Even with the large headphones, that grandpa brought, you were still scared.

Mom took you inside the large workshop on the barge and sat with you in there. The thin metal didn’t do much to block out the sound, but it helped a little bit. Enough so you could be distracted by your movie. You stayed in there for most of the fireworks, but we did finally coerce you do come out and watch some of the show.

For the most part, you stood in the doorway to the workshop with mommy.

Maybe we will wait a few more years until we go to the river again.